Monday, September 14, 2009

Weekend in Cato

Another great South African weekend! I once again did a whole lot of socializing and very little studying. Probably not the best idea since I have a Zulu final this Friday worth a solid 70% of my grade. Maybe I’ll fit in some studying time within the next few evenings. So far I have done a pretty good job of “experiential learning” every evening, but maybe I’ll restrain myself for the sake of earning a decent grade.

On Friday afternoon some of the neighborhood girls gave us a little performance of traditional Zulu dances. Somehow every single Zulu girl is able to kick her leg all the way to her head. I have no idea how they do not snap their hamstrings. Luckily for us, they individually made every American come up and dance. Embarrassing pictures to come. Later that evening we had a house party to celebrate a few birthdays. We just danced the night away. However, fortunately or unfortunately (however you choose to look at it), I am now recognized in the neighborhood by my dance moves.

Saturday, my Mama and I went to a funeral service at her church. It was kind of like going to Sunday mass, except a little more crying and dancing. We then followed the family to the cemetery to watch the burial. It was interesting to view this situation, but the most awkward part was when my Mama leaned up against a gravestone and it toppled over and broke the angel on top. I couldn’t help but laugh. After the funeral we came back home and I went over to my neighbor’s house because they were having a big celebratory ‘braai’. We ate some goat that I watched them slaughter the night before and tasted some homemade Zulu beer. Both were fairly tasty.

Yesterday my Mama and I traveled two hours to visit her sister in another township. She lives in a comparatively large house with a beautiful view of Durban. She also has a little “tuckshop” attached to her house where she sells convenience store goods. Later my South African friend told me that I was probably the first white person to ever visit that township, which would explain some the stares and comments I received.

So I have started making a list titled “Things I Love About South Africa and Things I Don’t”. I decided that I’ll leave a few appropriate entries in most of my posts.

Things I love:
1. Breaking for tea at 10 AM
2. Massive shopping malls, like “The Pav”
3. Baby Monkeys
4. Sweet South African accents
5. Playing indigenous games

Things I don’t love:
1. No showers
2. Limited amount of fruits and vegetables
3. Amount of TV watched
4. Being on lockdown in Cato Manor after dark
5. Remaining segregation


  1. i literally peed myself when I read about your mom breaking the angel. sounds epic. miss you!

  2. Haha that story about the angel is hilarious! I miss you darling! Did you get my letter? <3

  3. No no the whole situation gravestone toppling situation was SO FUNNY. I tried not to make it sound too funny because I was obviously at a funeral and still trying to respectful. I litearlly laugh out loud every time I think of it.

    Tim! I was JUST thinking about you and how much I'll miss you next semester! I haven't received your letter yet BUT I'M SO EXCITED FOR IT! Every time they say mail has arrived I perk up...I'll just have to wait for my day :) Miss you too!

  4. You finally tasted beer, and it wasn't even in the states?! Do you know how many people have been waiting for this moment and you didn't share it with any of them?! I also love how your dancing moves are now famous on TWO continents ha ha ha :) It sounds like you are having such an amazing time. It's not everyday in the states you get to eat goat you watched being slaughtered the night before.

  5. No no no. I have been literally just taking one swig of the local alcohols because it is a major part of the culture here. I have tasted beer before, I just don't 'drink' beer. There is a difference. No one missed out on anything. No worries haha.

    As for the goat, the horns and pelt are now spread out on my neighbors roof right outside my window. This goat is haunting me.
