Thursday, September 10, 2009

Regular Week

Sanibonani (Hello All)!

It has been a relatively regular South African week. You know…wake up at the crack of dawn to roosters crowing, eat corn flakes with warm milk, go to school in a bus, visit an NGO in a rural area, come home to Cato Manor, go on a run avoiding marriage proposals, take a cold bath, eat chicken or mutton, try to learn Zulu, then go to bed after watching Generations. I obviously have done some exciting things though this week:

Yesterday we visited a Hindu temple and had a wonderful lunch. Not only were we stuffed to the brim, but we also received a little tour of the beautiful temple overlooking the city. Little known fact: South Africa has the largest Indian population outside of India.

When I went to “the Pav” a few days ago I saw a sports store with a HUGE nike display out front. I look closer and the display was for “Eugene Track Jackets”! I freaked out because it was like a little piece of home here in South Africa. Obviously I took pictures and I’ll do my best to post them.

Last night I went to a gym to workout. This gym was absolutely spectacular! It was large and in charge…way nicer than any gym I have visited in the states. It was fabulous to finally lift and use machines, but I’m pretty sure it was the first and last time for that gym. I was there on a guest pass so it was relatively inexpensive, but a monthly pass is too expensive for a poor college student. Plus, going to a gym regularly would take away time from my homestay family.

Yesterday I come home from school only to find that my neighbor, and my good friend Uejin’s family, have a goat tied up to the fence. They are having a big “braai” this weekend, which is a celebratory BBQ, where they plan on slaughtering and eating a goat and three chickens. I CAN’T WAIT!

This weekend should be pretty exciting. I am staying home in Cato Manor with my family and they are so stoked to show me some more things. For some reason they can’t wait to take me to a funeral on Saturday. I apparently will also go meet my mama’s rich sister. I never really know what I’m getting myself into, but so far everything has been enjoyable. Here’s to a great weekend!

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