Thursday, September 3, 2009

Power Outages and Generations

I can’t believe it’s already Thursday! They have been keeping us really busy this week, plus a few wrenches have been thrown into the mix.

As some of you know, I’m a big fan of making lists so here is a list of this week’s highlights:

1. Yesterday I visited a 1st-12th grade school for students with mental and physical disabilities. It was an incredibly well run school in a country that struggles with education. I was very impressed with the staff and students and I am interested in studying this school for one of my research papers.

2. Last night there was a power outage in the township I live in due to a tsunami wind storm. It was pretty interesting to see how the neighborhood functions without power. My family had a propane stove to cook dinner and lots of candles. Unfortunately power outages are a common occurrence here and it is hit and miss as to when the power will actually come back on. So instead of sitting in a dark house all night, a few friends, some local South Africans, and I went to the mall to have dinner.

3. We are spending this weekend out on the town without our families. When I told my mama about this she was extremely disappointed. My entire family has become pretty attached to me. My mama has been introducing me as her second-born child. My older brother informed me that he must meet an South African man I hang out with so that he can see if the man is a good guy or not. And my younger brother follows me everywhere to make sure I’m safe. It’s quite cute, but it will be nice to have some (safe) freedom this weekend.

4. Here are some other random South African happenings:
a. Two men on South African’s favorite soap opera, Generations, kissed yesterday and it is what EVERYONE is talking about today.
b. It’s been pretty hot here and I’m LOVING it! And to think it is just winter here…
c. Even though learning Zulu is a daily struggle, I’m starting to realize that it is an awesome language. It’s the most basic language I have ever learned PLUS it has clicks. Could it get much cooler?

That is all for now. I hope all is well abroad wherever you may be!


  1. I miss you darling and am glad you are having such a good time! I sent your letter out today so keep an eye out for it next week! Love you!

  2. It's strange to me that people over there are into soaps and hip-hop. Not a combination I expect. BTW, are you cheering tonight - first day of the Duck FB season!

  3. Tim-I miss you too!! I hope UPS is treating you well, but I hope you are getting SO excited for Botswana! You are going to LOVE Africa. It's such a beautiful place with beautiful people. I can't wait for your letter!

    Josh-I TOTALLY checked up on the duck game this morning when I came to school. I can't believe they lost! Blount sounded like he had quite the game! haha.
