Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More Photos!

As promised, I have some photos to share. We technically can only upload three photos a week, so I tried to pick photos with variety.
Top: A visual of the very impressive traditional zulu dance that EVERY girl can do. Look how high they can kick their legs! Maybe later I'll try to post a picture of me attempting to kick my leg that high.
Middle: My younger brother, myself, and my mama in front of their church after a funeral. I LOVED my mama's outfit that day...nothing like flowers and zebra print. And I'm not joking when I say loved.
Bottom: This adorable girl Lisha was my buddy for a day. She escorted me around the neighborhood and took some great pictures with my camera. In the background you can also see what is called a "tuckshop". Many houses around the neighborhood own one of these. They simply sell convenience goods for the neighborhood, such as fruit, bread, airtime for cell phones, cigarettes and shampoo.