Friday, November 20, 2009

German Parents

It surprisingly has been an uneventful week for once. At times when things were hectic I had hoped for a week like this, but then when I actually had a slow pace week I missed the daily chaos. I have decided that studying abroad plays major mental and emotional games with you. You think you want one thing, and then you realize you want the other.
It’s a possibility that I want the chaos to return because this week has just been filled with the monotony of working on my independent project. I have actually hunkered down and started writing, which can get old in just a short amount of time. I have also been experiencing cabin fever in my apartment because of a large storm that rolled through Durban. It was so rainy and windy that my rides were unable to pick me up to take me to work. And needless to say, I wasn’t really able to leave the apartment to go on a jolly ole stroll through Durban. So as study breaks my flat mates and I have dance parties to MTV music videos. Although I was unable to leave the apartment, it was pretty amazing to watch such a powerful force come over the ocean. I don’t think I have ever seen such large white caps.
Okay prepare yourself for something that will blow your mind. Andrea, a German exchange student that lived with my family in high school, sent me an email earlier this week saying that her parents are currently vacationing in South Africa. They happen to be passing through Durban tonight. Not only are they staying in a hotel literally two buildings down from my apartment, but they are free tonight and want to take me out to dinner! I have not seen them since I spent a summer with them in Germany four years ago. And to think that of all the places I would meet them again it would be in Africa! I absolutely cannot wait to see some familiar faces tonight.
This weekend will consist of one last day with the Down Syndrome Association and more paper writing. Unfortunately not the most exciting way to end my time in Durban, but I guess I am here to be a student. I just need to keep reminding myself of that. Salani kahle!

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