Monday, November 16, 2009

A Few Visual Images

To supplement today's post, here are a few pictures from the past month or so:

This is my Mama Ningi, bhuti Aslam, myself, and Ben at the farewell dinner for our families. This is right before my Mama pressured me into giving a speech about how wonderful she is. Ben is also proudly showing off a bracelet he made.

We planted trees for a rural community using pick axes, shovels, and pitch forks...all while wearing long skirts. No big deal.

This is a view from my 13th floor penthouse's balcony. Incredible.


  1. "13th floor penthouse's balcony. Incredible" Ridic. For some reason I don't feel so bad for you living out in the sticks anymore :)

  2. i agree with piratejosh...that penthouse is pretty i understand why writing your ISP has been so hard...too many beautiful distractions! i wish ben was wearing those white sunglasses and showing off his bracelet...that would be epic. miss you pivy
