Monday, August 24, 2009

On to Durban...

Yesterday we went to the play “Umoja,” which is about the music and dance of South Africa. It started with the traditional tribal dances and morphed through the dance styles of the 1800 and 1900’s. The play was a great little background to the deep history of South Africa. We all felt a little enlivened and inspired after the upbeat play.
I’m currently on a bus headed from Johannesburg to Durban AKA my home away from home for 4 months. We have passed zebras and ostriches, and the trees look like they are straight out of Lion King. It’s been a tad bit cold, but I have learned to deal with wearing the one sweatshirt I brought over and over again J. It’s also extremely dry here, so bloody noses and chapped lips have been frequent sightings.
This morning we had an intro course to Zulu, the language we will be learning. So far I can pretty much just say “Hi,” but hopefully after I master the random clicks I’ll be able to have at least a basic conversation. In other random news, I’m becoming quite good at dividing large numbers by seven since that’s the exchange rate from Rand to U.S. dollars. Yesterday I bought a smoothie bigger and better than Jamba Juice for about $2.00. I have also managed to avoid being jetlagged. It took some convincing that I didn’t really need sleep, but I managed to succeed. Lastly, some of the program leaders that drive our buses listen to my favorite hip hop music, like Lil Wayne, Ludacris, and Beyonce. Life is good.

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